Dr. Keren G. Raiter

BSc (Hons, Conservation Biology), BA (Philosophy), PhD.

Email: keren.raiter [at] me dot com

Keren is a conservation ecologist interested in integrating applied ecology with well-founded conservation policy and informed decision-making for improved conservation outcomes. Keren is currently a post-doctoral research fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, working with Dror Hawlena on strategic conservation planning to help ensure the survival of the critically endangered Be’er Sheva and Plains fringe-fingered lizards.

Keren has worked as an environmental scientist in the Western Australian government on management of the ecological impacts of mining and infrastructure development, climate change, and silviculture, including threatened species and ecosystem management, eco-hydrology, and environmental impact assessment.

In 2016, Keren completed a PhD at the University of Western Australia on the enigmatic ecological impacts of mining and linear infrastructure development in Australia’s Great Western Woodlands. Her PhD thesis can be found in the UWA Digital Thesis Library.

Keren has also worked with Friends of the Earth Middle East on regional climate change impacts in the Middle East, and did her honours research on the threat of Phytophthora dieback to plants of significance for Noongar people on the south coast of Western Australia with the Centre for Phytophthora Science and Management.

Keren’s interests include conserving ecological processes that sustain biodiversity in relatively intact systems, finding solutions to complex problems regarding environmental conservation and development; and understanding the ways in which our appreciation of, and connection to nature affect the ecological legacy we create. You can read about her research here.

Any views promoted on this website are Keren’s personal opinion and do not necessarily represent the views of any organisation with which she is affiliated.

Keren Raiter

In her spare time, Keren composes and performs spoken word poetry. She maintains an occasional poetry and storytelling blog at kerengilaraiter.wordpress.com


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